
hands holding

Health Home

We are excited to be implementing the Health Home program at IKRON!  A Health Home is not a place, but a set of services to provide care coordination for eligible participants.  

Our care coordinators assist participants with navigating and integrating their health care and social service needs, improve their overall health and well-being, and manage their chronic conditions.  Care coordinators will focus on integrating the following services:

  • Medical
  • Mental/Behavioral Health
  • Substance Use
  • Long Term Services and Supports
  • Community / Social Support
street signs

Pre-Employment Transition Services

In collaboration with the Workforce Development Council of Seattle, King County, and the Washington State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation,  IKRON is proud to bring employment readiness classes and internship opportunities to high school students in the Greater Seattle area. 

Hope Rock

Substance Use Recovery Services

Level II.1 Intensive Outpatient Services and Level I Outpatient Services

Behavioral Health Services

thumbs up

Job Seeking Skills Training

This service is offered to job seekers and it involves preparing them to apply, interview, and secure a job. Services are individualized based on the overall person's job search knowledge. The team of Career Specialists teaches interviewing skills, assists in developing strategies to discuss potentially challenging issues such as legal history, need for accommodations, conducts mock interviews, and provides recommendations on dress, grooming, and interpersonal skills.

Employee at grocery store

Intensive Training

These services are offered to participants in the Supported Employment program and consist of intensive, hands-on training services tailored to the individual's specific job. This one-on-one job skills training has the goal of assisting the person adjust to the new work environment and achieve expected level of performance in a community setting.

Rocks in water

Primary Care

IKRON of Greater Seattle is working on integrating physical health services into its behavioral health programming. 

This is an initiative under Healthier Washington to bring together physical and behavioral health services for participants enrolled in Medicaid, through managed care. The ultimate goal of the full integration is to ensure physical and behavioral health needs will be addressed in one system through an integrated network of providers, offering better coordinated care for patients and more seamless access to the services they need. 

Please come back and visit us for updates on how primary care services will be implemented at IKRON throughout 2018. 

Vocational Services


We offer a continuum of services meant to support participants with successful integration in the community through employment. For more information regarding services offered at IKRON Greater Seattle, please contact us HERE.

Job Development

Job Development services assist individuals in obtaining employment. Job search focuses on each individual’s needs. Qualified staff work collaboratively with the individuals looking for a job to identify needs, expectations, interests, abilities, and other social, environmental, and psychological factors that may impact the person’s vocational outcomes. Duration of services is determined based on individuals’ needs and abilities. Comprehensive reports regarding progress toward goal are provided monthly.

Job Retention

These services are focused on each participant's individual needs. Some of the job retention services involve follow-up visits to the job site or meeting with the consumer off-site to address work related issues and to ensure work satisfaction and job maintenance.


We believe that everyone can lead a more meaningful life in the community through employment.  Our vocational services are meant to assist a person’s recovery, well-being, and independence. IKRON's caring and compassionate career specialists use a person-centered approach to services, taking into consideration the individuals’ preferences and interests when planning for services. Contact us HERE to schedule a Meet and Greet session with our staff.

Our collaboration with employers and community partners is vital to our participants' success. We partner with large and small business, high schools, local colleges, and career centers to provide the highest levels of quality in service delivery.  

Assessment Services

Comprehensive psycho-socio assessments are conducted to identify emotional issues, cognitive skills, barriers, and academic abilities. Information is used in treatment planning, work and academic readiness, and continued care during participation in services.

Vocational Evaluations

Comprehensive and brief Vocational Evaluations utilize a variety of work interests, and cognitive and academic standardized testing instruments to identify realistic career options and work abilities. Labor market analysis, educational, and training requirements are included in the career profiles that result from the Vocational Evaluation process.

Group Counseling Services

Depression, isolation, lack of social support, and difficulties with peers or family can be debilitating. Our Counseling Services focus on building cohesiveness and a natural support system for participants in services. Addressing a variety of needs, such as social skills, parental support, depression, communication, and anger management, the Counseling Groups available at IKRON Greater Seattle offer a solid foundation for a person's overall chance for success.

Community Based Assessments 

Community Based Assessments give the participant the opportunity to try out different jobs in the community, in a real employment setting for brief periods of time. Informational interviews and direct exposure to employers' expectations and labor market needs are included in this process. During this time, the IKRON career specialists work together with the participant on identifying strengths, barriers, challenges, work preferences, and accommodations needed for successful long-term employment. The result of the assessment is a realistic, well-thought-out plan of employment that includes recommendations for successful job maintenance. Community work sites are developed based on our participants' work interests, and may involve paid work in a competitive environment. 

Individual Counseling Services

While many individuals find group services healing and positive, one-on-one care through Individual Counseling is geared towards those who need a more individualized approach to address emotional and mental health barriers. Provided by licensed mental health therapists, Individual Counseling Services deal with issues of depression, anxiety, trauma, stress related disorders, self-esteem, identity problems, and other emotional, behavioral, and social impairments. Short-term, brief, solution-focused counseling, and long-term extensive therapy services are available, depending on the individual's presenting needs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavioral Interventions, Trauma Informed Care, and Motivational Interviewing are some of the Evidenced Based Approaches used in treatment.


Additional Services

  • Case Management 
  • Work to Home
  • Ticket to Work
  • Peer Support
  • Recovery Services